Untold Pleasure

Client: Cancer, Sex & Intimacy, Fruitfly Collective & Macmillan Cancer Support

Cancer, Sex & Intimacy is an education and community project, funded by Macmillan Cancer Support, for women and non-binary folk whose sex lives have been affected by cancer as well as the cancer medical community. First established in 2020 by two women determined to end the stigma, shame and silence around cancer, sex and intimacy, they have since delivered support to people all over the UK through workshops, social media, printed booklets - and now, with Fig Films, a film and podcast series too - all with co-production at their heart.

This project was all about removing shame and taboos around sex and intimacy during and after a cancer diagnosis. In 2022, were commissioned to make a three minute film aimed at healthcare professionals (with a secondary audience of the general public) to educate them on why women with cancer need support with their sex and intimacy, and why it should be equally prioritised in the healthcare system.

We decided to steer away from the traditional approach of educational resources, and instead created a film that immediately grabs attention. We worked with women who had lived experience of cancer and based the film around intimate interviews that aimed to demystify some of the most common issues, and, in doing so, lessen the stigma surrounding them.

The Cancer, Sex & Intimacy team later commissioned us to create a podcast series with them, exploring different issues and lenses around sex and intimacy for women and non-binary people - as well as their partners. The series, which launched in 2024, explores what they (and their health professionals) can do to ensure they continue to have a vibrant, fun and fulfilling sex life whilst living with and beyond cancer.

Working together with the project team, the cancer community, and the individuals who took part - including sex therapists, oncologists, and other experts - we made a informative resource that feels playful and empowering, that strikes the right balance between humourous and sincere, and offers honest and intimate first-hand experiences on the subject.

Both film & podcast have been shared with 77 Macmillan Cancer Support and Maggie’s cancer centres across the UK, reaching a large number of healthcare professionals as a valuable resource for their training. They both had strong engagement on Instagram, with shares from cancer community influencers and direct messages from healthcare professionals and members of the public to the Cancer, Sex and Intimacy Instagram account sharing the impact it made on them.

The film continues to be screened at talks delivered to large of audiences of healthcare professionals, with large audiences of 600+ attendees, alongside events at hospitals.

The podcast was ranked number 13 in Apple podcasts about sexuality in the UK at the time of release.

“It was really important to me to be part of this film but it was also me at my most vulnerable and I was so apprehensive about the subject matter and sharing that part of my life. As soon as I stepped foot on set Jessi and Holly made me feel totally at ease. They dealt with everything so sensitively and professionally, but with a real human touch... It ended up being quite a healing process. The end result is really quite beautiful and moving and so important. I love that they feel passionate about getting messages that really matter out there to the audience. It was a real privilege to work with them, I hope I will again one day.”

Nat -
Film Contributor

“You have been a dream to collaborate with. It honestly hasn’t felt like work. Personable, engaged, thoughtful, empathetic and absolute professionals. On top of this you really supported us to meet our budget. The film is a pleasure to watch knowing our target message has been met and this iconic material will make waves where we intended. Everyone who is involved in the production should be very proud.”

Cheryl -
Cancer, Sex & Intimacy Co-Founder

“We have encountered a lot of new territory with the Cancer, Sex & Intimacy project and you have both made this process so smooth for us.”

Sarah -
Cancer, Sex & Intimacy Co-Founder


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